Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jesus Tag Travelogue (San Antonio)

Greetings, blessed saints, missionaries of the future Kingdom, ambassadors for Christ and co-workers of the faith;

God is blessing our Jesus tag adventure.  We are always surprised at the wide eyes, the big smiles and the words of thanksgiving that we encounter when we hand a tag to someone.  We choose those who are kind to us, those who seem sad or discouraged and those God puts in our path.

Our Sparkle Hats
So far we have been faithful to hand out 12 tags each day.  The second day we handed a tag to two ladies who shared our elevator.  They were older and on a girls weekend but we had some laughs as we rode up to our floor as we had on our sparkly hats that matched. Sherrie and Susan each got out a tag and handed them over for the new friends to enjoy.  Later that evening they tracked us down at the Happy Hour free appetizer buffet, they found Sherrie loading her plate with meatballs.  One of the girls had recently lost her mother and she exclaimed that the tag had been an immediate blessing to her; she said she had cried after reading it and felt it was a message from heaven that her Mom was well and looking out for her.  If you had seen her face you would have been so encouraged; it glowed as she gushed forth the joy and excitement of receiving her Jesus tag.

Another time Meribeth went into a cigar store to buy an empty cigar box which
Outside Cigar Store
she will decorate and give as a gift.  She asked the vendor how much they were and he said two dollars.  As she was picking one out she noticed a young man, probably around thirty who was picking out some cigars; they exchanged glances and smiles…as Meribeth went up to pay for the box the vendor said, no need for money this young man is buying you the box.  (How often does that happen)?  She looked at the young man and began thanking him and getting out a tag.  All she had was a feminine tag but she gave it to him and apologized that it wasn’t manly and he said he would give it to his wife.  They were both smiling with joy as she walked out the cigar store door with her little box.

When we were on the Riverwalk in San Antonio Sherrie found herself
surrounded by 50 fourth graders who were taking the Riverwalk tour with their school.  She struck up a conversation with them and soon they were all singing “America the Beautiful” to her, one of the young girls sang a bit of a solo and so Jan gave her a butterfly Jesus tag…she read the tag and then before you know it the tag was being passed down the line for each of the students to read.  They were looking at Sherrie with glowing eyes that were filled with admiration.

There is not enough room in this blog post to share all the adventures we had, we gave tags to a young boy who was fighting cancer, a woman who had come out of Hillsdale, AZ and was starting a new life in FT Stockton, a woman who was working in a bar that was loaded with men of all ages, a young woman who helped us pick out T-shirts at the San Antonio flea market; we waited each day for the Lord’s guidance which He gave in abundance whenever we asked.

Thank you for your prayers and for your encouraging support for the Jesus tags and our missionary adventure!

Hugs, Meribeth, Jan, Susan and Sherrie