Saturday, August 15, 2015


Come to Me,

I am offering you peace My dear one.  Let me fill your heart with My word so you will understand wisdom and your heart will overflow with gratitude.  There are many leaders you may chose, many voices to listen to, and many religions that show you how to work your way to heaven.  I am not like any of those; My peace is freely given, your entrance into the throne room of God was paid for by Me.

Open your heart for just a moment and listen to My truth; when you hear My Word and believe God who sent me then you have eternal life.  You will never be condemned; you have crossed over from death to life.  Hear My voice and you shall live, not just in the life to come but here and now.  You will live an abundant life…step away from those things that drag you down and let me lift you up. 

If you hear My Word and believe it in your heart YOU HAVE eternal life and YOU will not be condemned.  YOU will cross from death to life.  A time is coming when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and they will rise…some to life, some to everlasting death. Come to Me that you might have life.

Scripture: John 5:24-27
24 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. 25 I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. 26 For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself. 27 And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man. 


Dear One,

I'm glad you took time to come here and learn about God's love for you.  It doesn't matter how you were raised or how you have lived up till now; what matters is that you are here.  You are here seeking to know more about the one who died for you.  Jesus is the only one who is able to forgive all your past; the one who is able to secure for you a most glorious future.

God is calling you to come to Him. He provided a way for you to become new, to become whole and to become the person you were meant to be.  Put your trust in Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all you ask or think.  All that is required of you is that first step of faith.



If you don't know what he has done for you then read about it in God's word.  There is a link below.

That's it.  Take the time right now to read about what He has done for you. 



Child of God,

Once you receive Christ as your Savior you also receive the Holy Spirit.  He will help you understand the things of God.  

The Bible says, "So, now you have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God.  You received the Spirit when you placed your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus; He indwells you that you might know the things freely given to you by God.  These are things that cannot be taught by human wisdom for they do not come from man and natural man does not understand them.  These are things that are taught only by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.  For no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God!"

And God has revealed through the Spirit:
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"—

The Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. Since you have the Spirit you are spiritual, appraise all things but do not be appraised by anyone.  Allow the Spirit to instruct you, to teach you, to build you up.  Be filled: Accept the things of the Spirit of God and know the mind of Christ as it pertains to you. 

Thank you for the Holy Spirit that indwells me.  Help me to ask for the Spirit’s filling each day that I might know the mind of Christ in every circumstance.  Give me the wisdom to appraise all things that I might do the best thing.  I can’t wait to see the things God has prepared for those who love Him.  Amen!


Who is Jesus and why should you put your trust in Him?  

The God of the universe brought forth a Son through the virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit.  Yet He was there from the beginning, in creation and in the design of the universe and in our design. 

He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. He is the Savior, the Christ, the Messiah.  He is the one who listens, who hears, who reigns, who watches, who waits, and who wants us to come to Him.  He is the light of the world, the truth, and the life. 

He is the bridge to the Father, our high priest, our advocate, our hope.  Jesus is the way, the door, the path, the gate, the maker of heaven and earth.  He is the only one, the true one, the one who answers.  He has all power, all insight,  all knowledge and He is the all in all.  He was our sacrifice, the lamb that was slain, our scapegoat!  He is our fortress and our deliverer.  He reigns in heaven, He is on His throne, He holds the scepter and He is King. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He is the only true God, righteous and pure, holy and blameless, sinless and white as snow. 

He is worthy of all honor and glory and praise.  He is our counselor, our friend and our brother.  He is the only way to find lasting peace and hope for your soul.

You can find him in His word, the bible.  Seek Him today, start in the book of John.


Seek Me, Child

You know child, I am willing to make you clean.  Not from the dirt of this world, not from the residue that is left after a hard day; but I am willing to make you clean on the inside.  I know there are things in your life that make you sad; things that are unforgiven or hurt that you have not dealt with.

Take the time now child to bring these to Me.  I already know what they are; you have no secrets from Me.  Sometimes you hide your hurts from others and even from yourself but they remain and they eat at you.  Remember in days of old when I healed the man with leprosy.  Your unforgiven hurts and secrets are like that leprosy.  They keep you from being the person I want you to be.  They keep you from being free.  I want you to bring them out into the open so I can make them right.  I am willing…are you?

Oh Lord, to you I am transparent, there is nothing going on in my heart that is secret to you.  Many times I don't want to deal with what is bothering me, I hide from myself.  It is painful to deal with things I cannot control or others who have been hurtful and I don't know why.  Help me be transparent in my relationship with you for you are willing to make me clean and free.  I am willing, amen.


My Child,

There is no doubt that the mystery of godliness is great:  I appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, and then taken up in glory.   Believe in Me…don't be deceived by evil spirits and things taught by demons.  Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.

Examine what you subject yourself too.  Some of these people create all kinds of rules to follow and then claim their actions are rewarded with salvation and heavenly benefits.  In a sense they are trying again to work their way to heaven.  Don't subject yourself to these false truths…know different.  I can save you by grace and by grace alone.  God’s grace is a free gift based on faith in Christ…not because of works so that no one can boast.   
Enjoy this great grace and share it with those who have not heard!  Rejoice for you are receiving the truth and the truth will set you free!

Your grace is sufficient for me.  I am so glad I don't have to work my way to heaven; you have done all the work and you gave me salvation freely as a gift.  I praise you for your sacrifice and blessings.  Keep me on the right track Lord; protect me from your enemies. Amen.


My Child,

When I think thoughts of you it is not about the things you have not done, or the things you wish you had done or even the things you want or plan to do.  My thoughts of you are of those things you have done through faith.  Your work, your labor prompted by love and your endurance inspired by your hope in Me.   I think of how you have become an imitator of Me; I see My reflection in you.

And you have done this in spite of all your circumstances, your disappointments, your past and the people in your life who hold you back.   Every day you are becoming conformed to My image; I see it and think on it.  I see how you have turned to the living and true God and let go of past ways and how you wait for Me and My return.  You have welcomed My message and the joy given by the Holy Spirit.  You My child are a model to other believers and the message that I have written on your heart is clear.  I praise our God and Father for you My child!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jesus Tag Travelogue (San Antonio)

Greetings, blessed saints, missionaries of the future Kingdom, ambassadors for Christ and co-workers of the faith;

God is blessing our Jesus tag adventure.  We are always surprised at the wide eyes, the big smiles and the words of thanksgiving that we encounter when we hand a tag to someone.  We choose those who are kind to us, those who seem sad or discouraged and those God puts in our path.

Our Sparkle Hats
So far we have been faithful to hand out 12 tags each day.  The second day we handed a tag to two ladies who shared our elevator.  They were older and on a girls weekend but we had some laughs as we rode up to our floor as we had on our sparkly hats that matched. Sherrie and Susan each got out a tag and handed them over for the new friends to enjoy.  Later that evening they tracked us down at the Happy Hour free appetizer buffet, they found Sherrie loading her plate with meatballs.  One of the girls had recently lost her mother and she exclaimed that the tag had been an immediate blessing to her; she said she had cried after reading it and felt it was a message from heaven that her Mom was well and looking out for her.  If you had seen her face you would have been so encouraged; it glowed as she gushed forth the joy and excitement of receiving her Jesus tag.

Another time Meribeth went into a cigar store to buy an empty cigar box which
Outside Cigar Store
she will decorate and give as a gift.  She asked the vendor how much they were and he said two dollars.  As she was picking one out she noticed a young man, probably around thirty who was picking out some cigars; they exchanged glances and smiles…as Meribeth went up to pay for the box the vendor said, no need for money this young man is buying you the box.  (How often does that happen)?  She looked at the young man and began thanking him and getting out a tag.  All she had was a feminine tag but she gave it to him and apologized that it wasn’t manly and he said he would give it to his wife.  They were both smiling with joy as she walked out the cigar store door with her little box.

When we were on the Riverwalk in San Antonio Sherrie found herself
surrounded by 50 fourth graders who were taking the Riverwalk tour with their school.  She struck up a conversation with them and soon they were all singing “America the Beautiful” to her, one of the young girls sang a bit of a solo and so Jan gave her a butterfly Jesus tag…she read the tag and then before you know it the tag was being passed down the line for each of the students to read.  They were looking at Sherrie with glowing eyes that were filled with admiration.

There is not enough room in this blog post to share all the adventures we had, we gave tags to a young boy who was fighting cancer, a woman who had come out of Hillsdale, AZ and was starting a new life in FT Stockton, a woman who was working in a bar that was loaded with men of all ages, a young woman who helped us pick out T-shirts at the San Antonio flea market; we waited each day for the Lord’s guidance which He gave in abundance whenever we asked.

Thank you for your prayers and for your encouraging support for the Jesus tags and our missionary adventure!

Hugs, Meribeth, Jan, Susan and Sherrie

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Now is the time,

I am offering you peace My dear one.  Let me fill your heart with My word so will understand wisdom and your heart will overflow with gratitude.  There are many leaders you may chose, many voices to listen to, and many religions that show you how to work your way to heaven.  I am not like any of those; My peace is freely given, no stipulations, no what ifs and no buts.

Open your heart for just a moment and listen to My truth, when you hear My Word and believe God who sent me then you have eternal life.  You will never be condemned; you have crossed over from death to life.  Hear My voice and you shall live, not just in the life to come but here and now.  You will live an abundant life…step away from those things that drag you down and let me lift you up. 
If you hear My Word and believe it in your heart YOU HAVE eternal life and YOU will not be condemned.  YOU will cross from death to life.  A time is coming when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and they will rise…some to life, some to everlasting death. 

John 5:24-27
24 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. 25 I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. 26 For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself. 27 And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man.

New International Version